All in Vacation

San Jose, CA - 20 and 21-Sep-2014

Melody and I are taking a quick trip to the Bay Area, in two parts. The first is in Santa Clara/San Jose where we met up with my mom for the first part so we could visit family and friends. After mom flew home, we started on the second part by driving down to Santa Cruz.

Austin, 7-Apr-2014

Our only full day in Austin was spent around downtown Austin. We saw the Texas State Capitol and the LBJ Library in the morning, the University of Texas at Austin in the afternoon, and met a friend of Celeste's for dinner

Portland, 16-Feb 2014

Melody and I decided to take part of the Presidents' Day long weekend and ride the train down to Portland for a few days. Because of lodging availability, we settled on leaving Sunday, returning Wednesday. We knew we'd have to work around things being closed either on Sunday or on the holiday, but figured there would be more than enough to do. We also had alternate plans if it ended up raining a lot.

New Year's 2014

Every year we travel to the Los Angeles area to celebrate New Year's. As usual, we left a couple days after Christmas and returned on January 2nd. We stocked up on warmth and sunshine, and have since returned to cold and overcast on some days, colder and clear on others.

Southwest Washington, 3-Oct-2013

After having spent several days going to state parks, we decided to try hiking in the Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument since we've heard enough people say that the trails are still accessible. The weather was supposed to be nice, so we were hoping that we would get some good views of the mountain. This was also a longer hike, so we were thankful the forecast had no rain.

Southwest Washington, 2-Oct-2013


Another morning which started with a trip to the breakfast room followed by checking both the weather and if anyone knew what would be open or closed due to the government shutdown. We settled on a hike which was in a state park, bypassing federal parks and making use of our state park pass. 

Southwest Washington, 1-Oct-2013


With the government shutdown, there has been lots of conflicting information about what will be open and what will be closed. We decided to go with a trail which didn't require a pass, figuring it would be OK, so we packed up and headed up towards Mt. St. Helens to hike the Hummocks trail.