Project 366, May 2016

We still had a lot of flowers in bloom this month, so there were a lot of blossom shots for May's pictures. I tried to do more architecture, however, as well as photos which showed what's going on in the city.

My favorite for this month is Whirligig.

I liked the colors, as well as the motion blur. I actually had a hard time with this shot; I had to stop way down to get enough blur since it was a bright day (and I didn't have my neutral density filter to slow down the shutter speed). My camera's senser has some dust on it (some which a tech couldn't remove, alas) so I ended up with some pretty visible spots against the solid blue sky. I was able to clean them up, fortunately.

Another of this month's photos which I really liked was Allium.

Earlier this month the blossoms were tighter together, but I liked how open they were when I passed by them in the middle of the month. I tried playing around with the composition a bit; one shot had the focus set a bit further back so you could see the outer circle as sharp, but in the end I liked this option.

A third photo I found interesting was Skybridge.

This is in Downtown going between the King County Superior Court and the King County Administration Building. I liked how it looks pretty abstract until you see the trees, then realize that the white streaks are clouds in the sky.

All of the pictures for the month can be found on the May page.