Photo - Plane on I-280

Plane on I-280

Plane on I-280

When we lived in Sunnyvale, CA we were not very far from the Wolfe Road exit off I-280. We noticed there was a big ado on Wolfe so we put Kellen (about 1 year old at the time) into the backpack, grabbed cameras, and went to be typical gawkers. At first it was hard to tell what was going on with the traffic pattern, but then we saw the tail of an airplane.

We waited our turn to get to the side of the overpass (I pride myself on being a polite gawker) and by that time the Highway Patrol had diverted all northbound traffic (on the right). One pedestrian started walking down the onramp and asked the patrolman if it was OK if she went and took pictures. The CHP officer calmly pointed at the "No pedestrians on freeway" sign, indicating it was still in effect even with light aircraft on the road.

If I recall, the pilot was fine. Certainly an unusual direction for the plan to end up facing.